Alignment – A Position of Agreement or Alliance.  

alignment assignment

Has your car ever been out of alignment?  Like if you take your hands of the wheel, it pulls to the right or the left?

And you know that if you don’t grab that thing, it will take you off into a ditch!  You know that, at this point, it is time to take that baby in to get it re-aligned!  Well, friends, the same goes for our body, spirit, and mind.  God created us to be able to recognize when those areas are out of alignment also and gave us the ability to treat those things holistically to restore that alignment.

If you have ever bought a new car, you know that when you drive it off the lot, it is going to “run like a charm.” 

However, over time, and with age, things need to be maintained in order for our vehicles to operate correctly.  So, we try to stay ahead of the game by keeping the oil changed, air in the tires, a periodic “tune-up” or service, and gas in the tank.  But, what happens if we ignore that light on the dash that tells us that we need to change the oil, or fill up with gas?  Eventually, something is going to go wrong. 

Hopefully, it is only that we run out of gas and have to walk, because hey, who doesn’t need that exercise, right?  But it could be that we ignored that engine light for far too long and it has caused us to have to get a whole new transmission!  If we ignore the warning signs that something needs to be done to keep our vehicle running, we could end up paying much more to get things fixed.

Friends, the same applies to our bodies. 

Our entire being has been created to function wholly and completely, just as a vehicle does when it is brand new.   When we feel DIS-eased, meaning we have a lack of ease, it is because something is out of alignment.  We can’t ignore the signs, otherwise we will end up in a “ditch” either spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or in our health.  When we address the signs and symptoms timely, it will avoid further complications.

Research has shown that many people, men and women of all ages, have found great benefit in holistic treatment.

Treating holistically can bring healing of joint pain, hormonal imbalances, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, infertility, anxiety, and depression.

I do not claim to treat or cure disease.  I simply try to find imbalances that are going on in the spirit, mind, or body.  I believe that the symptoms individuals have are directly related to the imbalances that are going on in those areas.  Together, if we can find those imbalances, and bring them into alignment, it is possible that the symptoms will subside.

It is important to remember that we must address the “root” and not just the “fruit” in order to be in alignment with our assignment.

Once we identify those imbalances and bring back the alignment, you will be ready to P.O.P in full force!!

Let’s get POPPING!

Janetta 3

P.O.P Total Wellness Circle

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